Congratulations to Katie Li and all her hard work in characterizing F-box protein FBXA-11 and thermotolerance!

Standing in back: James, Katie, Mario
In front: Max, Joshua, Emily, Marisa
Congratulations to Katie Li and all her hard work in characterizing F-box protein FBXA-11 and thermotolerance!
Standing in back: James, Katie, Mario
In front: Max, Joshua, Emily, Marisa
Congratulations to Deevya for all her hard work on characterizing pals-14 and its role in N. parisii resistance!
Deevya Raman (with worm mortarboard made by Nicole) and Emily Troemel
Congratulations to Tuan Tran (Troemel lab F2) and his impressive thesis developing a new system for studying intracellular bacterial infection in the lab of Robert Luallen (Troemel lab F1)!
Troemel, Robert Luallen (Troemel lab alumni), Tuan Tran, Tiffany Dunbar (Troemel lab alumni)
Congratulations to our PhD student Lakshmi for winning the People’s Choice Award for Best Poster at the Fall 2022 UC San Diego Biomedical Sciences graduate program retreat!
Her poster, titled “A RIG-I-like receptor homolog mediates antiviral signaling in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans”, highlighted her exciting preliminary results from work in our lab, and she received the award after an audience vote.
Congratulations to our postdoc Vladimir (top left) for receiving the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics from the Genetics Society of America! The travel award was granted to 10 Spring 2022 graduate student and postdoc candidates, and supports attendance to conventions.
With support from this award, Vladimir attended the C. elegans Metabolism, Aging, Pathogenesis, and Stress (MAPS 2022) meeting in Madison, WI in July 2022, where he gave a talk highlighting his and others’ recent findings from the lab, and also gave a poster presenting his unpublished research.”
See here for the GSA’s official post.